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Harta Fotografilor din Romania

Lucian Negrut PhotoBaby

RO: Lumea vazuta prin ochi de copil.
Ei sunt miracolul lumii. Ce poate fi mai frumos decat lumea inocenta a copilariei, a jocului si a veseliei.
Ce sunt copiii?

R:Bucuria vietii, lumina diminetii si dragostea care iubeste neconditionat.
Bucuria din ochii lor este molipsitoare, cantecul lor umple cu fericire inima, ei sunt mici fiinte care ne fac mai buni, mai prietenosi unii cu altii.

EN: The world seen through the eyes of children.
They are the miracle of the world. What could be more beautiful than the world of childhood innocence, and the joy of the game.
What are children?

A:The joy of the life, the morning light and love that loves unconditionally.
Joy in their eyes is contagious, their song fills the heart with happiness, they are small creatures that make us better, more friendly with each other.

Lucian Negrut PhotoBaby

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